London 1944 features the music performed by Glenn Miller’s Army Air Force Band, which included both popular music from Glenn Miller’s civilian band such as “Moonlight Serenade”, “String of Pearls” and “Caribbean Clipper” in addition to Army Air Force Band staples like “St. Louis Blues March” and “SNAFU Jump.”
Glenn Miller was one of America's greatest dance band leaders in September 1942, when he disbanded his orchestra so he could join the Army Air Forces. Within a year of joining, he had formed the Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band. In June 1944 the band was transferred from the United States to England where they recorded regular oadcasts and performed in theaters, clubs, hospitals and hangars -- anywhere that U.S. and Allied servicemen could gather and enjoy the music. The group ought "a little bit of home" to the thousands of lonely serviceman in a foreign land.
While preparing for a tour of Europe, Glenn Miller boarded a flight to Paris on December 15, 1944. Sadly, the plane disappeared over the English Channel and was never recovered. Even after Miller's disappearance, his army band continued to play for troops, performing through August 1945, at which time the group’s members were discharged.
The Brooks Tegler Big Band ings The Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band to life in the production of London 1944. Tegler’s interest in World War II history, the United States Army Air Forces and his devotion to the music of the 1930’s and 40’s serves as a solid foundation to provide an authentic visual, artistic, and musical depiction of the war years. The Brooks Tegler Big Band is comprised of professional musicians, many of whom are especially dedicated to the Army Air Force Band since they are children of WWII Veterans. “I am very dedicated to doing this right and am lucky to have the best group of players around and the support of hundreds of ‘the Greatest Generation’ to appreciate what we’re all about. There is no compliment that means more than one given by a WWII Vet who remembers and was there.”
Maryland Hall is supported by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment for the Arts, and a grant from the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. Additional support comes from sponsors including: COMCAST, MedAssurant, Bay Ridge Wine and Spirits, Arundel Federal Savings Bank, Loews Annapolis Hotel, Severn Savings Bank, Westfield, and Westin Annapolis.
To order tickets or for more information, call the Maryland Hall Box Office at 410-280-5640. The Maryland Hall Box Office is open Mondays-Fridays from noon – 5 pm. 24-hour ticketing is available seven days a week online at www.marylandhall.org. Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts is located at 801 Chase Street, Annapolis.