The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, Inc., serves all citizens of the county including all ages, genders, and ethnic groups without discrimination. The Art Council realizes its mission of promoting, expanding and sustaining the arts by connecting audiences to artists and the community to the arts.
rVolunteer staffing at events, fundraisers and on committees is realized primarily through the efforts of the community. We are grateful for the dedication of our longstanding volunteers and welcoming of new ones as well. Our volunteers are ambassadors for our organization and we rely on them for not only the time they devote, but also the experience they bring with them.
rThe Arts Council is supported by Grants from the Maryland State Arts Council, foundation support, private support, business sponsorships, County government, Town government, membership, events, classes, and fundraising events.
rOur Largest Sponsors and Contributor Advocates are the Avon Dixon Agency, W.M. Freestate & Son, Palate Pleasers, CNB, PNC Bank, Members, Lea F. Brook s, Don and Nancie Cameron, John and Karen Harper, Anne Nielsen, Charles and Mary Sjoquist, Neal Tilghman, Board of Directors Scholarship Fund, Clara Ann Simmons Scholarship Fund, and What’s Up? Eastern Shore magazine.
rThroughout the year, our Largest Fundraiser is our Small Works: Exhibition and Raffle featuring over 80 miniature works of art donated by artists from across the country. A five-week exhibition, this multimedia show ends in a gala event featuring delicious food, partial cash bar, celebrity guest and a drawing of the winning raffle tickets.
rQueen Anne’s County Arts Council 206 S. Commerce StreetCentreville, Maryland 21617PHONE: 410-758-2520 | www.arts4u.infor