Photo by Ted Mueller
Celebrate 20 years of Plein Air Easton
July 10th, 7 p.m.; Navy Marine Corps Memorial Stadium, Annapolis
With last Saturday night's attendance of 8,616, YOUR Annapolis Blues officially hold the top EIGHT attendance records across the entire NPSL. The fun isn’t over yet! Watch your Blues play this Wednesday, July 10, at 7pm against FC Frederick in the Mid-Atlantic conference semifinals!
Waugh Wednesdays Summer Concert Series
July 10th; Waugh Chapel Town Center, Gambrills
Who else is ready for our Summer Concert Series?! Waugh Wednesdays return, save the dates! Come every Wednesday from June 26 through August 14 to enjoy live music from your favorite local bands. This week, enjoy The Josh Christina Band.
The 51st Annual Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association Show
July 11th through 14th; Tuckahoe Steam and Gas Association, Easton
This year featuring the Gravely National Mow In. There will be added tractor games on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Join for live demonstrations and displays, live steam train models, antique cars and trucks, blacksmiths, a horse pull event, lots of good food, live music and family fun. Do some shopping in the flea markets and crafts area will be open each day. Relax in the shade and enjoy tractors, gas engines and steam engines. Explore seven museum buildings with operating displays including two saw mills.
July 11th, 6 p.m.; Muskrat Park, St. Michaels
The St. Michaels Community Center is pleased to announce their 2024 schedule for our Concerts in the Park series, taking place at the waterfront Muskrat Park in St. Michaels, and featuring local talent on the gazebo stage beginning at 6 p.m. on each Thursday.There will be treats and opportunities to tip at each concert. This week, enjoy The Good Stuff
Tides & Tunes Summer Concert Series
July 11th, 7 p.m.; Annapolis Maritime Museum, Annapolis
The Tides & Tunes Summer Concert Series located at the Museum’s waterfront McNasby campus (723 Second St., Annapolis) offers 10 weeks of popular music–from rock to folk to blues–with the incomparable backdrop of the Chesapeake Bay.
July 12th through 21st; Easton Airport
Plein Air Easton is the largest outdoor art competition in the nation and is celebrating its 20th year in 2024. Competition artists who have been juried in will descend on Easton to have their canvas' officially stamped on July 12th. Public, ticketed and free events (for the kids too) take place all week long!
July 12th through 14th; Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds, Crownsville
The Renegade Monster Truck Tour is set to make its return here at the Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds in Crownsville, MD July 12-14 2024! 4 Huge Shows! See Stone Crusher, Hooked, The all new Shredder, The return of Stinger Unleashed plus Shockwave, Be Aware and more! This year, its more Monster Trucks & More Action!
July 13th, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Crofton Country Club, Crofton
Enjoy a Crofton 60th Anniversary Program, Kidz Fest is for kids ages 2-14 and it is free! The event will feature Touch a truck, bike rodeo with family bike, a cake walk contest, sidewalk chalk art area, pit beef and more.
July 13th through 14th; Historic London Town and Gardens, Edgewater
Join us for our signature summer event as we explore what "independence" meant for the people of London Town in 1776. Meet a colonial Marine or militia member, enjoy crafts and games, and talk with costumed historic interpreters to learn about life on the brink of revolution.
July 13th; ArtFarm Studio, Annapolis
This was started as an event to talk about mental health in a way that's entertaining & engaging. Since 2017, there has been poets, visual artists, dancers, clothing designers, etc. sharing their experiences with mental illness. There's been diverse "speakers" - both upcoming & established - from all over the world. It keeps coming back to do the event because it champions people in the struggle & brings awareness to that struggle. In 2023 they formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit with an aim to grow beyond one yearly event in Annapolis to other activities in other areas. Hit us up to be a part of it - as a "speaker" or listener.
Beat the Heat the Old- Fashioned Way
July 13th 2 to 3:30 p.m.; Hammond Harwood House, Annapolis
Ice cream was as popular in early 19th century Maryland as it is today — a great way to beat the summer heat. Join Joyce White, Food Historian, in the historic Hammond-Harwood House kitchen as she demonstrates how a copper sorbetiere was used to make ice cream. Attendees can try their hand at molding faux ice cream from Crayola Model Magic clay. (Modern-day ice cream will be served at the sundae bar!)
July 13th, 8 p.m.; Garfield Center for the Arts, Chestertown
Something wicked is washing up on the shores of the Chester River this summer. Nationally celebrated Bette Midler impersonator Jessica McCleary in her outrageous Sanderson Sister Cabaret performance.
Crofton Community Summer Concerts
July 14th, 6 p.m.; Crofton Country Club, Crofton
Enjoy the summer concert series provided by Crofton Civic Association and a grant from the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. This week, enjoy music from Bay Jazz Project.
July 14th, 5 to 6:30 p.m.; Oxford Community Center, Oxford
Come see the artists compete for $1000 Artist Choice Prize and purchase your favorite! You know you have the "perfect" spot for it on that one remaining wall at home.
July 16th; William Paca House and Garden, Annapolis
Meet in the Garden, The William Paca House Gardens, for Annapolis Green's mid-summer Green Drinks. Cool off and learn all about our efforts for a plastic-free summer. Please bring your water bottle and enjoy a zero waste evening in our City’s most spectacular outdoor spot. Green Drinks is a get-together for people who care about the Environment. Meeting in a casual atmosphere is the best way to get to know one another and pull together locally for our planet. MEET ONE NEW PERSON & LEARN ONE NEW THING!
Salute the Sunset: 257th Army Band, DC National Guard
July 17th, 7 p.m.; National Harbor
Join for National Harbor's annual Salute the Sunset Concert Series. Grab a blanket, pick up take out food from one of our restaurants and enjoy the evening with performances by United States Military Bands. Concerts are free and open to the public. These events are subject to weather cancellations.
Local Color - Plein Air Easton
July 18th through July 21st; Christ Church, Easton
The Working Artists Forum (WAF), under the auspices of the annual Plein Air Easton Competition and Arts Festival, sponsors a juried and judged art exhibit each year entitled “Local Color”. Exhibition Hours: Thursday, July 18 - noon to 6 pm, Friday, July 19 - 10 am to 6 pm, Saturday, July 20 - 10 am to 6 pm; Sunday, July 21 11 am to 4 pm. Free Demonstrations by Award Winning Artists Thursday through Sunday -1:30 & 3:30 in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church
July 19th, 5 to 8 p.m.; Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville
A Taste of Arundel Grown, Arundel Ag's signature event, celebrates local agriculture by showcasing food, beer, and wine grown and produced by Anne Arundel County farmers. The event supports the Maryland Buy Local Challenge (BLC), an annual statewide initiative that encourages all Marylanders to support local farmers by purchasing locally produced farm products during "Buy Local Week," held July 19-29 in 2024.
July 20th; Kent Island
The Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure as the largest estuary in the United States and 3rd in the world. Our mission is to help protect it by working with Oyster Recovery Partnership to plant more oysters, Chesapeake Conservancy to support their efforts to designate the Bay as a National Park and WaterKeepers Chesapeake to help keep the waters and rivers of the Bay healthy
Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners Recycling Demonstrations
July 20th, 19 a.m.; Quiet Waters Park, Annapolis
The Anne Arundel County Master Gardeners will teach you how to make your own compost using yard waste and kitchen scraps. Attend the one hour compost demonstration at the compost site on the Wildwood Trail at Quiet Waters Park. Anne Arundel County residents will receive a FREE compost bin.
Smithsonian Teen Summer Program: Sharks Biology
July 20th, 10 a.m.; Smithsonian Environment Research Center, Edgewater
Learn about sharks and shark anatomy, then discover3 the types of sharks that inhabit the Chesapeake Bay and Coastal Maryland. You'll try designing a model tracker and learn how implants are put into sharks.
14th Annual Lake Arbor Jazz Festival
July 20th; Lake Arbor Community Center, Bowie
Now in its 14th year and counted as one of the region’s premier jazz events, the Lake Arbor Jazz Festival returns to the beautiful Lake Arbor community in Central Prince George’s County and features top-flight contemporary and traditional jazz and R&B artists from across the nation and the Washington, DC area.
Chesapeake Music Jazz: Stephen Phillip Harvey Octet
July 20th, 8 p.m.; Ebenezer Theatre, Easton
SPH8 will be showcasing their upcoming album, "Live at Radio Artifact" -- an electrifying collection featuring live recordings of Harvey's original compositions and arrangements, recorded at Radio Artifact in Cincinnati, OH.
Crofton Community Summer Concerts
July 21st, 6 p.m.; Crofton Country Club, Crofton
Enjoy the summer concert series provided by Crofton Civic Association and a grant from the Arts Council of Anne Arundel County. This week, enjoy music from Wicked Olde - Pop to Folk.