We took our engagement photos at the Wicomico Public Li ary in downtown Salisbury on the Eastern Shore. I thought this was a great place for us to take pictures because:
1. Both of us love to read and books have been a big part of our life,
2. The li ary is just down the street from our first apartment together, and we have walked over there together a lot, and
3. I saw a lot of really awesome li ary shots while Googling.
We also took some shots on the plaza right outside our apartment in downtown Salisbury.
Our engagement session almost didn't happen. Right before we started, it was pouring outside. Luckily, my photographer and I agreed to take the gamble that it would stop, and because of that, we got the awesome reflection photo.
The downside is that it was one of the hottest, muggiest days in June, and it shows in some of our photos. In some of the initial photos, my fiance's hair is a little damp from sweat (poor guy was wearing long sleeves and long pants). In the final photos that were taken outside, my hair -- which has a mind of its own, even if I style it -- was frizzy as all get out.
Looking back on our session - even though I love, love, love our photos -- I kind of wish I had prepared more. So that's my advice you to you for the engagement photos. Our session was on a Monday night after work after a busy weekend. I didn't have much time to do my hair (or get it done professionally), I had chosen my clothes the day before (procrastinate much?) and I hadn't really thought about if there were any particular shots I wanted (except for that one of us between the bookshelves). Luckily, I had a great photographer who had thought about shots on her own.
For a giggle, check out this link: Awesomely bad engagement photos
Have you taken your engagement photos? What do you wish you could change? Will you prepare in advance?