This year, the most popular colors being used are primarily corals, creams, hot pinks, and lime greens, local florists tell us. There is a high demand for the classic bouquet that is hand-tied and wrapped with a satin ribbon that has a color to match the bride’s dress.r
Holly Blood Photo
When it comes to types of flowers, there are definite seasonal trends, but the overall flower choices tend to stay the same. Tulips are most commonly seen in the spring, while peonies are very popular in the early summer months, like May and June. Hydrangeas are seen in the later summer months. Orchids are popular throughout the year, and the rose continues to be one of the most popular choices for wedding flowers.
Rob Korb Photo
Another more unique trend seen by florists lately is a natural, woodsy look for wedding bouquets and arrangements. Shades of green, complimented with brown and a combination of white and ivory, has become a popular color scheme. Florists complete this rustic woodsy look with the addition of moss and wheat grass.
— Ellie Storck
Larry Huffman photo; bouquet by Intrigue Design & Decor
Stephanie Miller photo