That's why we've put together a list of overnight camps to help you begin your search for the perfect camp for your children. And be sure to see the March issues of What's Up? for details about Chesapeake area day camps.
Arlington Echo—975 Indian Landing Road, Millersville, MD. 410-222-3822; arlingtonecho.org; email: hhatfi eld@aacps.org. Sponsored by Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Coed, grades: K–8. Sessions: June 24 to July 25; Early Bird Camp, Friendship Camps, Planet Earth Camp, Eco Wings Adventure Camp, Learn to Swim Camp, etc. Cost: $175–$400.
Camp Airy—Thurmont, MD. 410-466-9010; airylouise.org; email: scott@airylouise.org. Two, three and four-week programs, plus one-week Rookie Camp (ages 7 and 8). Jewish boys ages 7–17. Sessions from June 23 to August 11. Cost $700–$4,550.
Camp Hashawha—Westminster, MD. Overnight camp, part of the Y Journeys Camp experience. Weekly sessions from July 7 to August 16. Coed, 8-15. Ymaryland.org
Camp Louise—Cascade, MD. 410- 466-9010; airylouise.org; email: scott@ airylouise.org. Two, three and four-week programs, plus one-week Rookie Camp (ages 7 and 8). Jewish girls ages 7–17. Sessions from June 23 to August 11. Cost $700–$4,550.
Camp Pecometh—Centerville, MD. 410-556-6900; pecometh.org; campinfo@ pecometh.org. Sponsored by the United Methodist Church. Coed, grades 1–11. Costs and dates TBA.
Camp Puh'tok for Boys and Girls— Monkton, MD. 410-329-6590; camppuhtok.com; email: info@camppuhtok. com. ACC Credited. One to two-week camp sessions for ages 7–16. June 22 to August 15. Cost: $620–$1,300.
Camp St. Charles—Newburg, MD. 301-934-8799 (fall/spring); 301-259-2645 (summer); campstcharles.com; Sponsored by the Society of the Divine Savior, a Roman Catholic order. Coed, ages 6–13. Four one-week sessions and four two-week. June 23 to August 17. Cost: $1,275, sibling and early-bird discounts.
Camp Wabanna—101 Likes Road, Edgewater, MD. 410-798-0455; campwabanna.org; email: info@campwabanna. org. Nondenominational Christian Camp. One-week sessions from June 16 to August 10. Coed, ages 7–15. Cost: $420.
Camp Wright—400 Camp Wright Lane, Stevensville, MD. 410-643-4171; campwright.com; email: associatedirector@ campwright.com. Day and Resident Christian-based programs. Specialty camps and a day camp program for middle schoolers. Four to 10-day sessions. June 15 to August 17. Coed, ages 7–completed 11th grade. Cost: $635 for 7-day sessions.
Chesapeake Wilderness Institute (North Bay Summer Camp)—North East, MD. 866-527-3060; northbayadventure.com; email: kwilliams@northbayadventure. com. Programs created to teach campers how to apply strategies from the outdoors to challenges in their lives and help them to gain confi dence, knowledge, and problem-solving skills. Coed, ages 7–16. Dates and costs TBA.
Echo Hill Outdoor School—Worton, MD. 410-348-5880; ehos.org; email: info@ ehos.org. Approved by the Md. Dept. of Education, Kent County Health Dept., Youth Camp Certifi ed with the Md. Dept. of Health. Coed. Three-day canoeing trips, four- and fi ve-day canoe and historic Chesapeake Bay boat trips on the Chester River. Ages 8 and up. Cost: $290–$658.
Elks Camp Barrett—1001 Chesterfi eld Road, Crownsville, MD. 410-224-2645; mddedcelksassn.org; email: elkscb@mddedcelksassn. org. More than 20 activities offered, from archery to arts and crafts. Ages 9–13. Three one-week sessions offered as well as one week for Special Olympics. Cost is covered by the local Elks Lodges.
4-H of Anne Arundel County Resident Camp—7320 Ritchie Highway #210, Glen Burnie, MD. (Camp in Western Md. 4-H Center in Garrett Co.) 410-222-6755; AnneArundel.umd.edu (look under 4-H program). Coed, ages 8–13. Date: July 27 to August 2. Cost: $260 for current members of 4-H and $300 for non-members.
Girl Scout Camp Grove Point—Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council, 2930 Grove Neck Rd., Earlville, MD. 302- 456-7150, 410-742-5107; gscb.org. Girls, grades 2–12; day and overnight programs, details TBA.
Habonim Dror Camp Moshava—Bel Air, MD; Winter: 100 South Belgrade Road, Silver Spring, MD. 800-454-2205; campmosh.org; Affiliated with Na’amat USA and the Lo Zionist Alliance. Details TBA.
Mar-Lu-Ridge—Jefferson, MD. 301-874- 5544; mar-lu-ridge.org; Sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Coed, ages 6–18. June 16 to August 9. Cost: $272–$780.
River Valley Ranch—Manchester, MD. 443-712-1010; rivervalleyranch.com; email: info@rivervalleyranch.com. Nondenominational summer camp sponsored by Peter and John Ministries. Coed, ages 9–17. Visit website for details.
Sandy Hill Camp—North East, MD. 410-287-5554; SandyHillCamp.com; email: info@sandyhillcamp.com. One and two-week sessions. June 16 to August 16. Coed, ages 8–16. Cost: one-week, $925– two-week, $2,125.
University of Maryland Young Scholars Discovery—University of Maryland, College Park. 301-405-7762; oes.umd.edu. Rising 8th and 9th graders. July 14 to July 26. Overnight and day; details TBA.
West River Center—West River, MD. 800- 922-6795; bwccampsandretreats.com; Day and one-week overnight programs sponsored by the United Methodist Church. Coed, grades 2–12. June 14 to August 2. Cost: $140–$465.
YMCA Camp Letts— P.O. Box 208, 4003 Camp Letts Road, Edgewater, MD. 410-919-1410; campletts. org; email: info@campletts.org. 219-acres of wooded trails and nature discovery, just minutes from downtown Annapolis. From more than 30 program options each week. Olympic-size swimming pool for instruction and fun. Equipment includes more than 40 sailboats and small craft. Add-on programs for overnight sessions include paintball, trail riding, wakeboarding, and more. One and two-week sessions plus twonight “try out” camp. Day & overnight. Coed, ages 6–17. Dates and costs TBA. Y overnight camps also located in Westminster and Worton. Visit ymaryland.org For information about Y Journeys Camps and Camp Letts day Camp, please see the March issue of What’s Up? Annapolis and What’s Up? West County.
Maryland Summer Center for the Fine and Performing Arts—1101 Camden Avenue, Salisbury, MD. 410-548-4777, salisbury.edu/msca; Two-week residential program focusing on the arts. Open to 120 talented middle and high school students from across the state. Dates and costs TBA.
Camp Superkids—Laytonsville, MD. 540-536-7488; Annual residential weeklong camp for children with asthma. Registered nurses, physician assistants, respiratory therapists, and other nonmedical personnel are also on site the entire week. Coed, ages 6–12. Cost: $40/day for overnight camper; $20/day camp.
Easter Seals Camp Fairlee Manor— 22242 Bay Shore Road, Chestertown, MD. 410-778-0566; de.easterseals.com; email: fairlee@esdel.org. Easter Seals’ residential camp dedicated to providing safe, healthy and success-oriented opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The respite program operates weekends on a year-round basis. Coed youth program ages 6–21, adult programs ages 21 and up.
The League and Camp Greentop— Thurmont, MD. Contact: Bill Morgan, 410-323-0500 x366; leagueforpeople.org. Traditional summer camp for youth and adults with disabilities. Campers sleep in tents, cook over a fi re and explore the outdoors. Day camp offers participants the option to experience Camp Greentop from 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and still be able to sleep at home. Coed, ages 7 and up. See website for details.
Navy National Leadership Baseball Camp— U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-2831; navysports.com; proche@usna.edu. One-of-a-kind experience at the Naval Academy. Three camps: For those entering 5th–8th grades; those entering 9th–10th grades; and those entering 11th–12th grades. Day and overnight. Details TBA.
Ripken Baseball Academy—Aberdeen, MD. 800-486-0850; ripkencamps.com. See website for details.
Terrapin Summer Baseball Camps— University of Maryland, College Park. 301-379-2598; umterps.com/camps/mdcamps. html. See website for details.
University of Maryland Women's Basketball Camps—College Park, MD. 301-314-1747; marylandwbbcamps.com. Wide variety of programs. July 26 to July 29 Girls 10–18. Costs: $350–$450.
Chesapeake Crew Camp for Girls— Washington College, Chestertown, MD. 410-810-2643; Details TBA.
Navy Boys Crew Camp—U.S. Naval Academy. Robert Friedrich, co-director. 410-293-3658; navycamps.com; Email: friedric@usna.edu. Three sessions, June 9 to June 27. Boys ages 13–18. Details TBA.
Navy Rowing Camp for Girls—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Mike Hughes, 410-914-7686; navycamps.com; email: navycamps@gmail.com; Three sessions, June 8 to July 27. Girls ages 13–18, beginning to advanced levels. Cost: TBA.
Cross Country
Navy Cross Country Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-2831. Distance Running/ Cross Training. Details TBA.
Field Hockey
Revolution Field Hockey Camp—Various locations along east coast including Maryland, Delaware and the District. 800-944-7112; fhcamps.com; email: support@fhcamps.com. Variety of sessions. See website for details. Ages 10-18. Cost: $435–$555.
FootballCamps.com—wide variety of programs and locations of camps lead by NFL players and coaches. Visit FootballCamps.com for details.
University of Maryland—University of Maryland, College Park. 301-314-7095; MarylandFootballCamp.com. Boys grades 9–12. Details TBA.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Golf Camp—Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD. 614-818-3999; fcagolf.org; email: rconniff@ fca.org. Golf instruction in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship. Morning and evening chapel programs; recreation. Coed ages 12–18. Details TBA.
The Elite 150 Lacrosse Camp—Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, MD. Tom Gravante, 301-447-5356; theelite150lacrossecamps.com; IMLCA affi liated. Email: gravante@msmary.edu. Rising 9th & 10th grade camp, July 7 to July 10. Overnight: $425; Day $325.
Jeff Shirk Instructional Lacrosse Camp—Washington College, Chestertown, MD. www.ShirkLacrosse.com; email: jshirk2@ washingtoncoll.edu. July 11–14. Details TBA.
Navy Boys Lacrosse Camps—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-5539; navysports.com; email: admin@navylacrossecamps. com. Sessions from July 20 to August 6. Boys ages 10–18. Cost: TBA.
Navy Women's Lacrosse Camp, Blue and Gold— U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-8797; navysports.com; email: womenslacrosse@usna.edu. Girls ages 5–18. Overnight and day clinic. Details TBA.
Nike Girl's Lacrosse Camp—Two locations in Salisbury and Westminster. 800-NIKECAMPS; ussportscamps.com; girls ages 8–18. Details TBA.
Sultana Projects' Chesapeake Adventures— Week-long open-water sailing trips on the schooner SULTANA, and week-long kayak adventures exploring the wilderness of the Eastern Shore. Variety of camps and destinations. Trip costs $225–$750. For detailed schedules and descriptions visit sultanaprojects.org, call 410-778-5954, or email: ccerino@sultanaprojects.org.
Loyola Boys Advanced Soccer Camp— Loyola University, Baltimore, MD. 410-321- 5025; mettricksoccer.com. Two sessions, July 14–24. Cost: TBA.
Navy Girl's Soccer Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Contact: Carin Gabarra, 410-293-5562; navysports.com. Ages 7–17. Day and overnight. Details TBA.
Navy Soccer Camp for Boys—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293- 3153; navysports.com; email: andt@ usna.edu. Grades: 6–12. Details TBA.
Sasho Cirovski's Maryland Soccer Camp for Boys—College Park, MD. 410-707-4424; marylandsoccercamp.com; email: marylandsoccercamp@umd.edu. Details TBA. Cost: $455–$555.
Terps Soccer Camp for Girls—University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 301- 314-0191; terpssoccercamp.com; email: terpssoccercamp@umd.edu. Details TBA.
Navy Squash Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-2240; navysports.com/camps. Email: CDawson@ usna.edu. Instruction in squash, conditioning and nutrition. Coed, ages 10–17. Details TBA.
Navy Swimming Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-3012 or 410-293-5834; NavySwimmingCamp.com; email: NavySwimmingCamp@usna. edu; coed, ages 8-18; 2 sessions; day and overnight. Cost: $565–$665.
Nike Swimming Camp—University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 800-645- 3226; 301-405-1000; ussportscamps.com. August 4 to August 7, day and overnight. Coed, ages 10–18. Cost: $435–$585.
Washington College Swim Camp— Washington College, Chestertown, MD. Gold Medal Swim Camp. 410-778-7241; washingtoncollegesports.com/camps/swim.html; email: klessard2@washcoll. edu. Coed, ages 8–14. June 15 to June 18. Cost: $395.
Navy Blue & Gold Tennis Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293- 8709; navysports.com; puryear@ usna.edu. Coed, day and overnight. July 7 to 12 & July 21 to 26. Cost: TBA. .
Navy Coed Tennis Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293-5589; navysports.com. Ages 6–16. Day and overnight, June 17 to 21 & June 24 to 28. Cost: TBA.
Track & Field
Navy Cross Country Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. 410-293- 2831. Distance Running/Cross Training. Details TBA.
Navy Track & Field Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Navysports.com; email: jco@usna.edu. Coed, ages 12–18. Details TBA.
Terps Track & Field Camp—University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 301-314-6675. Coed, ages 10–17. Details TBA.
Navy Volleyball Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. 410-293-5546; email: navyballcamp@hotmail.com; navysports. com. Coed, ages 8 and up. Directed by Larry Bock, Navy head coach. Three sessions: June 30 to July 3; July 5 to July 8; July 11 to July 14; plus mini camp July 3 to July 5. Mini camp is only for campers who attended the first two sessions. All sessions offer overnight options. Cost: $150 to $495.
Towson Volleyball Camp—Towson University, Towson, MD. 410-704-2759; towsontigers.com; Girls, four camps based on age group and skill level. Details TBA.
Kerry McCoy's Maryland Wrestling Camps—University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Contact: Kerry McCoy, 301- 314-7134; marylandwrestlingcamps.com. Ages 5–18. Four different types of camps. June 16 to August 8. Cost: TBA.
Navy Wrestling Camp—U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Contact: Brian Antonelli, 410-293-5833; email: antonell@ usna.edu; navysports.com. Technique, SEAL, Team Training, and Father-son camps. Ages 8–18. Session from 2, 5, 8 days, June 22 to July 14. Cost varies.