The show had sold out well ahead of time, and there were murmurs of Merriweather officials overselling the venue- a strong possibility when considering the masses of fans that were forced to enjoy the show from beyond the lawn and out of the sightlines of even the jumbo screens attached to the pavilion's outside. Johnson's set was everything a fan would have hoped for and should have expected, as he touched on almost all of his hits and fan favorites, anthems that blend seamlessly with a summer night (albeit a crowded and unbearably muggy one).
The real highlight of the show came in an early surprise. Setting up discreetly on a small stage behind the lawn, G. Love began serenading fans numbering in double digits at least a half hour before ALO, the first opening act was set to take the stage. Having fun with some rare tunes and fudging some lyrics while joking around, G. Love seemed to be enjoying himself greatly playing to an ever growing crowd of fans that were all grins. About halfway through his makeshift set, Jack Johnson appeared and did some riffing with Mr. Love, giving each fan lucky enough to be in attendance of this impromptu session their guaranteed moneys' worth. Many fans remained glued to the lawn, determined to hold their spot, seemingly unaware of the jam session going on 50 feet away from them.