If you are not able to take a trip by kayak or boat down the river, this book might just be the next best thing. The first chapter contains the description, “But in mid journey, where the flow oadens and straightens a bit, you enter a realm of giants, one of the extraordinary little pockets of wildness remaining in the mid-Atlantic.” And it is easy to imagine yourself there on James Branch, with the photograph of giant old bald cypress, its massive roots reflected in the water.
“Gifts of the river, subtle and unadvertised; ours for the taking, requiring only that we depart from our harried routines long enough to perceive them,” is written in the closing chapter entitled Rivertime. While your journey along the river has come to an end, you can start all over again by turning to the beginning of this lovely hardback published by The Johns Hopkins University Press. Retail price $29.95 illustrated with 100 photographs, www.press.jhu.edu
Historic Photos of Baltimore By Mark Walston tells the story of Baltimore through 200 rare photographs borrowed from a variety of sources that include the Baltimore Camera Club, the Enoch Pratt Free Li ary and the New York Historical Society. This book is a part of a series produced by Turner Publishing Company, which seeks to highlight the history of American Cities.
Commencing in 1840 and ending in 1980, each chapter begins with an overview of what was taking place during the era but the real strength of this book is in the attractive lay-out and the detailed photo captions. Selling for $39.95, 206 pages in length, it is illustrated with 200 photographs www.turnerpublishing.com