Follow young Braden as he discovers a lost three month old river otter and works with professional wildlife rehabilitators to help the pup grow into a strong adult otter. With ight illustrations and easy to read type, the book would be wonderful addition to any young child's growing li ary.
The inspiring story is based on the lives of two very real otters that were rescued after being abandoned. Both otters, Bubbles and Squeak, are citizens of Solomons Island, Maryland. Happily living at the Calvert Marine Museum, these otters spend their days playing games and being pampered. Thanks to wildlife rehabilitation centers, otters like these, along with many other marine mammals, are able to make a come back. A portion of the proceeds from purchasing the tale is donated to both Wildlife Response, Inc. and the Calvert Marine Museum. And with a price tag of $14.99, it's an affordable contribution that can be purchased online, or at local book retailers.