Tailey, an abnormality in his world, with a large tail, learns important lessons in this book as he matures. A mixture of fantasy and reality, Tailey, becomes able to act in ways not typical of his species. He can fly, due to his whale of a tail, and whales are not supposed to fly. Yet at the same time, none of the other young whales accept young Tailey, believing his defect makes him deformed. One cannot help cheering for young Tailey in his adventures. Charles Boyle, uses his background in writing about environmental matters, throughout the story, integrating a twist that leaves readers questioning some morals. Young Tailey learns about friendship, making hard decisions, and conquering his past in this uplifting.
A book definitely recommended for youngsters, and a good bedtime read that will leave readers thinking of the impossible as they go to bed. Priced at $14.75, and published by Trident Publishing, it can be purchased at local bookstores or directly from the publisher.