Chicone Village Day
Handsell Historic Site 4835 Indiantown Road, Town of Vienna, Maryland 21869
The Nanticoke Historic Preservation Alliance is sponsoring the 7th Annual Chicone Village Day at Handsell on Indiantown Road in Vienna, Dorchester County, MD on Saturday, April 27.
This event is not a Pow -Wow, but an educational event held to teach of the ways of the ancient Eastern Woodland people who inhabited the Chesapeake Bay region and Mid -Atlantic coast. Experimental archaeological techniques are explored a nd ancient skills demonstrated at these events.
Featured will be Daniel Firehawk Abbott, Native American interpreter. Living History demonstrations will include cooking, weaving, chipping of impleme nts and gardening with historic plants.
Handsell House will be open, including the basement Kitchen where the African American story is represented. Admission is $2 to help defray costs and f or maintenance of the Village structures. Additional donations are welcome. Handsell is located at 4837 Indiantown Road near Vienna, Maryland.
The Chicone Village Project, begun in 2013 with the groundbreaking of an authentic native dwelling lodge or longhouse has since expanded to include a Native G arden and Work Shelter and a Nature Walk. The Chicone Long house is an authentically built replica of a single famil y dwelling unit, the first to be built on the Eastern S hore in 200 years.
For more information, go to www.restorehand .
DIRECTIONS: From Route 50, take the exit for Vienna (Route 331 North) near the Nanticoke River Bridge. Turn left at end of ramp. Take first right onto Indiantown Road. (^'Scenic Maryland^' s ign is here). Road makes sharp turn to left, fol low over the Chicone Creek bridge, up the hill. Handsell will appear on your right in the field about 1/4 mile down. More information at .