Maryland Freedom Swim
Bill Burton Fishing Pier State Park 29761 Bolingbroke Point Drive, Trappe, Maryland 21673
Let's go for a swim! Who hasn't driven over the Frederick C Malkus Jr bridge (Choptank River Bridge) on Route 50 and wondered what it wou ld be like to swim from one side to the other? Well if you are one of THO SE folks, the Maryland Freedom Swim is a race for you.
On Saturday, May 11, 2019, swim between the bridges from the Bill Burton Fishing Pier Stat e Park on the Talbot County side to the Sailwinds Park beach access p oint (near the Dorchester Visitor Center) on the Dorchester County s ide. This 1.7-mile trip across the Choptank River will be supported by paddle craft, motor craft and the US Coast Guard.
Make no mistakes about it, this is not for the in experienced swimmer. This straight course may sound simple but t he Choptank River is a flowing body of water and swimmers will be navigating around/through two bridges. Participants must sh ow proof of open water swimming experience (triathlon, open water swim events, etc) or that you have successfully compl eted a ONE MILE POOL SWIM in ONE HOUR.
This is a great t une-up race for the Bay Swim, the Ocean Games, and espec ially the Eagleman 70.3 Ironman Maryland triathlon.
Wa ter temperature is expected to be in the upper 60s to mi d-70s, Fahrenheit. Swimmers will be required to wear a wetsuit.
A portion of the proceeds from this race w ill go to the Shore Rivers organization as well as the Water Safety program for third graders at the Dorchester Famil y YMCA .
For details and registration inf ormation, go to ylandfreedomswim
See a list of all the 2019 Dorchester County, Maryland end urance events -- running, cycling, swimming, and triathlon.