Mini Sketch Crawl
Susan B. Campbell Park 1 Dock Street, Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Catherine Dolch
Mini Sketch Craw logo
Join us for our Mini SketchCrawl, when we will be drawing in the downtown City Dock stretch. (Rain or shine) There are storefronts, boats, and many people for endless gesture and urban sketching possibilities. The artists might be entertained by focusing on downtown faces alone!
• We will meet up at the far end where the Harbor Queen docks. We will start there and sketch for about 45 minutes.
• Next, we venture down Ego Alley a bit and set up our second sketching station about halfway down the walkway.
• Our third and final stop will be at the end of the alley by the Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Memorial at City Dock park area. Here we can sketch a bit more and share our creations.
After the drawing sessions, anyone who would like to join is welcome to cross the street for coffee and discussion at the Market House. (Any coffee / Market House purchases are the responsibility of the participant.)
The Mini SketchCrawl will span the distance of City Dock/Ego Alley.
Free to all Active AAA Members.
Bring your own sketching supplies. (*iPads and iPhones are welcome as drawing tools.)