Unity Bands Game Night to Support Healthcare Heroes in Need
Game On Bar+Arcade West St., Annapolis, Maryland

HERE WE GO! Are you ready for games?
We hope to see you at the coolest bar in Annapolis, GameOn Bar+Arcade, to support local healthcare heroes in need!
$10 per team entry. Win gift cards provided by our friends at Port Tack Wine & Spirits Ltd. and GameOn plus cash!
Questions? Contact John at info@unitybands.org
Discover more at unitybands.org
“Now more than ever we are looking for a boost in morale to bring joy back to a once promising and fulfilling profession. That is why I support Unity Bands.” Sabrina Nunez, licensed practical nurse
Unity Bands is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing financial support to the low-paid, undervalued, and essential healthcare workers and promoting credible COVID-19 information to at risk communities to inform decision-making.