And you thought all you needed to do was decrease your stress level in order to drop your heart attack risk? Think again!
In the study led by researchers from the University of East Anglia and Harvard School of Public Health, 93,600 women participated in the research by completing questionnaires about their dietary history every four years over the course of 18 years. Throughout the course of the study, 405 heart attacks were reported in women whose diets reflected less amounts of fruits being consumed. Women who reported eating more strawberries and blueberries in their diet experienced a 32 percent drop in their chance of having a heart attack.
Strawberries and blueberries contain a group of helpful dietary flavonoids called anthocyanins, which aid our bodies in dilating prominent arteries and reducing the possible build-up of plaque on the heart. By picking up those extra fruits at the grocery store, women could be making the healthiest choice for their heart. And gentlemen… the next time you want to impress her, consider giving her a great big bouquet of blueberries.