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Waterfront/Critical Area Architecture | speightstudio.com
Danish and Chesapeake influences in a modern palette. Clean lines and minimalist details allow the proportions and framed views to be prominent in this new waterfront home. The massing of the home consists of a two-story gabled cruciform with a major and minor axis and one-story flat-roofed elements on the street side that make up the required additional first floor footprint.
Complex site issues dictated the exact and irregular waterside footprint of the home. During the design process it was determined that, due to site features including topography, views, light, and even air flow, a better result would be had by flipping the footprint. This resulted in less mass toward the shoreline.
The editors said: “This brand-new build scores extremely well in the ‘wow’ category, as the elements of function and design so uniquely and creatively culminate.”