Annapolis, MD (Dec. 15, 2011) – The Rotary Club of Annapolis has announced speakers for January 2012, with luncheon meetings at noon at the Annapolis Yacht Club on Compromise Street in Annapolis, except for Navy Night on January 26.
Jan. 5 – Officers and directors of the club will give ief reports on activities for the past six months.
Jan. 12 – Anne Arundel County State’s Attorney Frank Weathersbee will speak about “Drugs, Drunk Driving and the Courts.”
Jan. 19 - Classification Talks will be given by two club members, who will discuss their careers and their involvement in Rotary International.
Jan. 26 – No daytime meeting will be held. The club will cele ate its 80th observance of Navy Night with a dinner in the Bo Coppedge Room at the Naval Academy Alumni Hall. The speaker will be Navy Capt. Robert E. Clark II, Commandant of Midshipmen at the Naval Academy.
For more information on the club, or to attend a meeting, contact Navy Capt. James Campbell, membership director, at 410-956-7672. The website is Find the club on Facebook at
Service Above Self
R. Kenneth Henry, Public Relations Committee Chair
410-216-9336, 443-994-5408