Our state capital hosts some of the world's biggest musical performers, but it's not every day that one of them offers a private performance at the home of an Annapolis resident. That's just what happened on Saturday, Fe uary 4, 2012. It was a star-studded evening at the Annapolis home of Gay and Lars Henriksen and a very special occasion for the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra (ASO.)
The black tie event featured a VIP wine tasting of some of the world's finest wines led, by a sommelier, and a gourmet champagne reception and dinner. The highlight of the evening was an exclusive performance by internationally-renowned mezzo-soprano Denyce Graves. Additionally, the special event featured performances from the ASO's Concertmaster Netanel Draiblate and accomplished British pianist Rachel Franklin.
“This event was designed to be an intimate cele ation of music,” said Katharene Snavely, ASO Executive Director. ”It was an evening cele ating the ASO's milestone anniversary and the immense talent that comprises our orchestra.”
In attendance was an eclectic combination of regional dignitaries, business owners and arts enthusiasts including former Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke, Kathryn (Kitty) O'Leary Higgins, John and Martha Schwieters, the ASO's Music Director José-Luis Novo, and Elizabeth Richebourg Rea. Underwriting support for the ASO's 50th Anniversary Season comes from Elizabeth Richebourg Rea who made one of the largest single gifts in the history of the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra to honor the memory of her father, Philip Richebourg – an instrumental figure in the creation of the ASO.
“The food was exquisite, the setting was magnificent, and the captivating performance by Denyce Graves was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for those in attendance,” says Snavely.
Denyce Graves will be performing with the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra at its 50th Anniversary gala cele ation on Sunday, May 6 at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at University of MD in College Park. Tickets are available through the ASO at 301-405-2787 or www.annapolissymphony.org.