Jordan Kneisly
South River High
Football, Basketball and Lacrosse
Having been diagnosed with Type I diabetes in fifth grade, Jordan has thrived nonetheless, posting a 3.8 GPA and earning a spot in the top quarter of the Class of 2012, while playing three sports.
Success in the classroom is good, but Jordan also loves victory on the field. “I love the feeling you get when all of the hard work you put in during the offseason pays off with a victory,” he says. “It's just great.” Having made the regional finals in lacrosse in 2010, Jordan and the Seahawks made it to the state championship last May. He's hoping to continue to anchor the defense and make that final step in spring.
A student of the month for business and physical education excellence, Jordan plans to attend either St. Mary's College of Maryland or Hampden-Sydney to play lacrosse and pursue a business degree. He lives in Crofton with with older others Kyle, 23, and Dave, who's 21. His dad is Thom, his mom is Patie White, and his stepmom is Janet Kneisly.