This all-day, nonprofit conference sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers’ Association includes workshops, discussions, and presentations led by experts in the writing process. The 15th Annual BTO Conference on February 25, 2012 will be held at the Kent Humanities Building at Chesapeake College near Easton, Maryland. This popular conference is open to writers of any skill level and any genre of writing. r
“The Bay to Ocean Writers Conference is dedicated to the life and legacy of Gilbert Byron [1903–1981],” says Diane Marquette, one of the BTO Conference Committee members. “Byron truly embodied the spirit and way of life that characterizes the Eastern Shore. It has been said that no other author has written, or is likely to write, about the Bay as extensively or over so long a period of time as Byron did.” Several people started the BTO Conference fifteen years ago with the help of the Talbot County li ary.
Speakers are chosen to present based on their knowledge of particular subjects and their ability to share their information with the striving writers. This year, some of the experts include award-winning writer Laura Oliver, romantic novelist Rebecca York, social media specialist and author Mindie Burgoyne, and over twenty more professionals. This year's conference will focus on memoir writing, poetry, literary agents, creative writing techniques, self-publishing, and the use of digital media and technology to improve the writing process.
Year after year, the conference asks attendees to fill out an evaluation form after their day of participation and each year, the BTO committee is overwhelmed with positive feedback. “BTO has been improved and has grown every year, in response to attendees. A combination of excellent speakers, enthusiastic volunteers, good facilities, and low price make it exceptionally popular with writers across the region,” says Marquette. The day provides writers with a chance to partake in one-on-one manuscript reviews and to be in the company of peers and other promising writers.
For more information about the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference, visit or call 443-786-4536.