The Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County will join Clubs from around the country during National Boys & Girls Club Week in an attempt to eak ther rrecord for the most people Star Jumping (jumping jacks) simultaneously in multiple venues for two minutes. . At the event, each participant will begin the Star Jumps at the exact same time as everyone else in the entire country and jump for two minutes nonstop.
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This attempt to eak the world record will ing attention to the importance of young people living healthy, active lifestyles and how Boys & Girls Clubs help fill this need every day. Clubs do this through programs like Triple Play, BGCA's proven health and wellness program that encourages kids to eat healthier, become more physically active and increase their ability to engage in healthy relationships.
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Event Kicks-Off at 5:30 p.m.
Jumping Jacks promptly at 6:30 p.m.
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Jennifer Lagrotteria
Communications Director
Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis & Anne Arundel County