January is one of the most important months in the history of America’s favorite past time…baseball.r
On January 28, 1901 the American League of Major Baseball was founded. Originally called the Western League—which began in 1893 and had minor league status—eight charter teams (including Maryland's own Baltimore Orioles) pronounced their group a Major League at the turn of the twentieth century. They also took on the rival National League, the other league holding Major status. The American League is also nicknamed the Junior Circuit because its Major League status came 25 years after the National League's. But in 1903, the opposing American and National Leagues began positioning their best baseball teams against one another and competing in the World Series. Today, American League teams have succeeded in winning 62 out of 107 total World Series. The league has grown not only in popularity but in size since 1901: the original eight teams have expanded to fourteen geographically categorized American League teams.
Courtesy Baltimore Oriolesr
Winter [Meteor] Showers
If you've been waiting to make a wish on a shooting star, raise your eyes to the sky on the night of January 3rd to witness the Quadrantids Meteor Shower. During the shower's peak, up to 40 to 60 meteors will be visible each hour. The meteors will stem from the Bootes constellation, which lies just past the handle of the Big Dipper. Northern latitudes have the best chance of viewing the celestial event although meteor showers often challenge scientific predictions. To better observe the meteor shower, watch from a dark location soon after midnight. The height of the shower is sharp and lasts for only a couple hours of the night, making it difficult to see. But if you are fortunate enough to catch the night sky's light display, be prepared for an extraordinary show.
Years the Girl Scouts of the United States of America has operated, since Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low assembled 18 girls from Savannah, Georgia in 1912, for a local Girl Scout meeting.
Years the Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay (GSCB) has operated. In 1962, the Wilmington Area Girl Scout Council and Peninsula Girl Scout Council merged to form the GSCB, which, today represents troops and service units in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.