But who hasn’t had their heart broken when it simply fails to work out? The Dorchester Humane Society (DHS) can’t do anything about lousy chemistry of the human kind. But it has the answer for the animal-human type of matchmaking, which it’s introducing the week of February 14, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
The program is called “Meet Your Match (MYM),” and it will enable people to more easily find the type of pet that suits them, long term. Specifically, dogs up for adoption at the shelter are being classified according to their personality types.
People looking for pups fill out a form explaining what kind of animal they’re looking for. The humans are steered toward animals that meet their criteria, through color-coded signs displayed on every dog’s kennel, and the matchmaking beings.
According to Suzette Stitely, executive director of the society, even though the adoption return rate is very low, the DHS program hopes to reduce it to zero. She explained that cats can be personality typed, as well, but the DHS will start the program with dogs. So cats looking for love--of which there are manifold more than dogs--will also be wisely wooed.
The “Meet Your Match” program will continue indefinitely. That means that while Valentine’s Day love fests will likely result in even better matches and fewer oken hearts, the rest of the year is looking better for love, as well. To participate in “Meet Your Match,” come to the Dorchester Humane Society Tuesday-Friday 1-5pm, Saturday 11am-4pm and evenings by appointment. There’s a wagging tail just waiting for you.
For more information, visit on-line www.dorchesterhumane.org or call 410-228-3090.