Having played three varsity sports is a sign of quite an athlete. Maddie, as a freshman, is a true rarity. Her GPA of 4.25 is pretty impressive, too, and combining it with such athleticism is a powerful combination.
“Sports made me the person I am today,” Maddie says. “I strive to be the best I can be, and the support from my family just pushes me even more to be the best, and always give 100 percent.”
A member of the International Baccalaureate program like her older other, Austin (who was featured last month), Maddie plans to go to college and study engineering. But for now, she's running indoor track. In spring, she'll play midfield, lacrosse and then come fall, she picks up a different stick and plays forward for the Panthers fi eld hockey squad.
Maddie lives in Annapolis with her parents, Susan and Gordon Woody. She enjoys photography and traveling in her spare time.