ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today visited the home of Sherry Hollingsworth in Denton to celebrate the ribbon cutting ceremony for the first connection to Choptank Fiber broadband internet and reaffirmed the administration’s commitment to expanding access to high-speed internet in every corner of the state.

Hollingsworth’s grandfather was the first Choptank Electric Cooperative customer to be connected to electricity in 1939. Now, her family is the first to be connected to broadband internet through the Cooperative’s subsidiary, Choptank Fiber.

On Tuesday, Governor Hogan signed the Digital Connectivity Act of 2021 into law, which establishes the Office of Statewide Broadband within the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Last month, the governor was joined by the presiding officers of the General Assembly to announce a bipartisan budget accord to commit $300 million in federal funding to expand the state’s broadband network.

The governor is traveling the state to highlight Maryland infrastructure projects and call on federal leaders to take long overdue action. Earlier this week, he broke ground on a MARC Heavy Maintenance Facility.