Sharing a love of the Chesapeake Bay and the communities served, Rise Up Coffee of St. Michaels and Salisbury, MD is now donating coffee to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum (CBMM) in St. Michaels, MD. Located at the Museum Store, the ewed, organic coffee is offered free to museum visitors, with donations appreciated. Proceeds benefit the children and adults served by the museum’s educational and outreach programs.
Rise Up Coffee sponsors various local and global charitable organizations, including the Peace Corps, for which owner Tim Cureton has a particular affinity due to his previous Peace Corps service in the Pacific. In addition to its two Eastern Shore locations, Rise Up offers organic coffee worldwide through its website.
“Both the museum and Rise Up Coffee serve a unique and close community,” says Visitor Services Team Leader Katie Willis. “Our missions are similar—Rise Up promotes community through the global reach of coffee, and the museum promotes community through sharing the cultural heritage of the Chesapeake Bay and the people who live here.”
Rise Up Coffee also supports the museum as a Skipjack Fleet business member, giving Rise Up employees opportunities for free admission, discounts on classes and programs, Council of American Maritime Museums (CAMM) reciprocal admission and more.
To become a supporting business, individual or family member, visit the “Join” page at or contact Membership Team Leader Debbie Collison at 410-745-4991 or
For more information, contact:
Tracey Munson
Vice President of Communications
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum