r“We are thrilled to have come this far so quickly” said Dall’Acqua. “Breast cancer affects one in eight women in the U.S. and most of us are touched in one way or another by this terrible disease. Helping to raise money to benefit others affected by it gives us all a sense of meaning and purpose in our efforts.”
SAVE THE COCONUTS™, an all-volunteer organization, was formed in 2008 as one of the teams participating in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60-Mile Walk in Washington, D.C. Coconut team walkers in the Komen 3-Day Walks and the Avon 2-Day Walks garnered generous contributions from friends and family. Since then, SAVE THE COCONUTS™ has gone on to host a number of fund-raising activities in Annapolis and beyond -- events that are also fun -- such as the 2009 & 2010 Coconut Balls, and Half-Way to St. Patrick's Day parties, and more, all made possible by personal contacts and generous sponsors. Members of SAVE THE COCONUTS™ also travel to other cities to participate in organized walks to cele ate the lives of people who are living with east cancer and honor those who have lost their battle with the disease. Sales of SAVE THE COCONUTS™ anded merchandise has also been a reliable source for raising money to help provide comfort and resources for those living with east cancer.
Now operating under the um ella of the federally chartered 501(c) 3 charity, the Annapolis Community Foundation, SAVE THE COCONUTS™ has migrated from a team walking solely to raise funds for national organizations to a non-profit dedicated to raising funds that also benefit Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, and Maryland non-profit organizations that work to further east cancer research and treatment and support east cancer patients and survivors, such as the Annapolis Dragon Boat Club, Anne Arundel Medical Center Foundation, Evolutions Pink Ribbon Program, METAvivor Research and Support, Inc., Survivors Offering Support, and Wellness House of Annapolis. We are grateful to our sponsors: Boatyard Bar & Grill, Buffalo Wild Wings Annapolis, Eastport Design, Stellar Presentations, and Wine Cellars of Annapolis
Future SAVE THE COCONUTS™ plans include the Friday March 11fundraising event, The COCO BLANCO, a festively fun Ball held at the Loew’s Annapolis Hotel, which will feature live music by the Annapolis Irish/Celtic Rock Band -- The Rovers. Co-chaired by east cancer survivor and owner of the popular Annapolis establishment, McGarvey’s and Annapolis Dragon Boat Club founder, Mike Ashford promises that with a delicious buffet dinner, an open bar, plus live and silent auctions, The COCO BLANCO will be the most entertaining event of the year! The “smart fortwo Passion Coupe” smart car raffle winner drawing will be held at this party. One hundred percent of the proceeds of this benefit will be donated to local non-profit organizations.