So, let's say you're on your own tonight. You've had to cancel your plans due to inclement weather, and you can't even get out of the house. Time, I say, for a movie marathon. Break out the popcorn and the comfy clothes, and make a spot for yourself on the couch. And, since you're going stag, you don't have to worry about making compromises about what to watch. Your marathon, your movies. Because, really, when's the last time you spent the whole day in front of the TV? (And how often can you get away with it?)
In the mood for something a little more productive? I suggest making your favorite comfort food. You'll get to spend some time doing something worthwhile, and reap in the rewards! And again, since you're on your own, you can make whatever you want. Brownies and ice cream with a side of mac n cheese? Why not? Plus, there's nothing better than comfort food on an icky day.
Maybe, though, the rain's let up a little bit. It's still too wet to plan anything outdoors, but your friends can make their way over to your house. What to do together?
You can always have a party.The fun part is deciding what kind. Thinking old world? Have a tea party! Get out your finest ews and china. You'll need some snacks too. Invite your friends, and ask them to ing their own mugs and tea.
If you're planning on going the more traditional route, make sure you put together an awesome playlist, and get the word out quick. And, as always, have plenty of food on hand. I've noticed people always tend to gravitate towards the kitchen.
Say you and your friends are the quiet types. Bust out the games, and get playing! Things like Apples to Apples, Cranium and Catch Phrase are always fun. And if you don't know about the post-it game, you really need to learn. Write the name of a famous person on a post-it. Stick it on your friend's forehead. He/she does the same to another friend, until everybody has one. Then, asking yes or no questions, try and figure out who you have. Best. Time-waster. Ever. My friends and I killed hours during Snowpocalypse doing this.
And, if there's a big game on TV, invite your pals over, and watch together. Again--emphasis on snacks.
Looking for something to do with the kids? You can't go wrong with building a fort. And charades never fail to entertain. You can also have an indoor "snowball" fight by wadding up pieces of paper from the recycling pile. Try giving everyone a stack of paper, and let the free-for-all begin.
If you simply must get out of the house, try visiting some nearby awesome indoor attractions, like the National Aquarium in Baltimore, the Maryland Science Center or the eclectic American Visionary Art Museum. Take a tour of the State House, or visit the Annapolis Maritime Museum. On the Shore? Head to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, or see what the Avalon Theatre has lined up. You can also try visiting Artworks or the South Street Art Gallery.
Have any recommendations for rainy day fun? Let me know!
-- Karly Kolaja