Oxford Fine Arts Show
Oxford Community Center 200 Oxford Road, Oxford, Maryland 21654
Located in Talbot County Maryland, the Oxford Community Center’s (OCC) annual three-day Fine Arts Show ushers in the busy summer season. The prestigious juried exhibit draws a wide selection of regional collectors as well as from major cities along the Eastern Seaboard. The much-anticipated annual show is well known throughout the region and celebrated as the season’s “kick-off” for art lovers.
The schedule of events for the weekend begins with the ticketed Friday Preview Party. It provides attendees the chance to “Meet the Artists”, view the exhibit and buy art! This has always been a fun evening where attendees mingle with the artists and enjoy cocktails as well as delicious hors d’oeuvres while getting first looks at the art. On Saturday and Sunday, the exhibit is open to the public from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The raffle of beautiful artwork donated by the artists happens at the end of the show. Lunch items are available onsite for purchase on both days.