Annapolis, Maryland - The Anne Arundel County Department of Health Environmental Health Bureau will start annual wet season site evaluations and percolation tests on January 29, 2024. Wet season testing is arranged on a first-come, first-serve basis. Appointments are being accepted and applicants are encouraged to submit wet season applications as early as possible so that each site may be properly evaluated for sewage disposal systems. Wet season applications for mound sewage disposal systems must be received by March 1, 2024, and tested by March 15, 2024. All other applications for testing must be received and scheduled by March 29, 2024, to guarantee testing.
To apply for percolation tests, contact 410-222-7193 or apply online or download the application at www.aahealth.org/perc-testing.
The wet season test period is set for Anne Arundel County by using data from a network of monitoring wells to determine groundwater levels. Properties located in areas with certain soils and high-water tables require testing during this season of the year. The highest water table is usually experienced during February, March and April. If water levels fall quickly, wet season testing could end before the normal closing date of April 30.
Wet season testing helps avoid inaccurately assessing the ability of the septic system to work in all seasons of the year. Information provided by the site evaluation and perc testing is used to determine the size and type of septic system that can be installed on a specific lot. Factors such as slopes or adjacent wells can reduce the space available for a septic system. In addition, adequate land must be set aside for at least two future replacement systems. Depending on the results of the evaluation, this may mean reducing the size of the house and the size of the septic system to meet requirements. In some cases, because of adverse soil or groundwater conditions, a property may only be developed when public sewer is available.
For more information, call 410-222-7193 or visit www.aahealth.org/perc-testing.